Reuniting families affected
by UK spouse visa rules

Reuniting families affected
by UK spouse visa rules

REUNITE FAMILIES UK is a lived experience led, not for profit organisation supporting families navigating the UK spouse visa process and raising awareness of the impacts of the immigration rules on them

We believe that families belong together


Latest Campaign

Help Us Fight in Court the Cruel MIR Increase

Last December, the Tories said they would double the Minimum Income Requirement (MIR) – a minimum salary that British citizens and settled residents must earn if they want their loved ones to join them in the UK.

The government plans to raise the MIR in three stages. The first increase, from £18,600 to £29,000 came into force in April. By spring 2025 it plans to raise the threshold to £38,700 – 70% of the UK workforce doesn’t earn that amount with only 21% of female workers earning above the threshold. A salary so high that only 3k out of the over 40k Home Office staff earn above that threshold.

Reunite Families UK is taking the government to court, standing up for the thousands of couples and families who get in touch every day, expressing their shock and concern that they can’t be with their loved ones in their country of birth or adoption. We believe the decision to raise the Minimum Income Requirement was taken unlawfully, the Home Secretary went against official advice and failed to comply with his legal duties to assess the impact of the decision or consider the best interests of children.

We must stand up for our right to family life.

Help us say NO: 

NO to accepting that only rich people can fall in love with people born abroad.
NO to being a bargaining chip just to reduce net migration figures by a negligible number 
NO to being made poor and scared about our future in the UK
NO to separating our families
YES to keeping couples and families together




Donate to our Legal Fund

Share the image above with your friends and family asking them to donate to fund our fight against this cruel policy.

A Goodnight Kiss

A Loving Hug

Children are being separated from a parent because of how much money they earn. Family should not have a price tag.

Raising Awareness

of the impact on of UK spouse visa rules on families

Lobbying Parliament

with the aim of the MIR being abolished

Providing a Support Network

and a safe environment for our members to communicate

Promoting a More Humane and Fairer Immigration Policy

which will ensure the welfare of our children and safeguard their basic human rights - as well as the families as a whole unit

Latest INFO



Find out how our LGBTQ+ families are affected by the visa rules

Man Carrying a Baby

COVID-19 Impact

Many of our families who are already impacted by the visa rules are now further impacted by COVID-19.


Fathers Day

Fathers Day is another sore reminder of the life our Reunite Families dads are missing out on with their children

Abolish the Minimum Income Requirement

Together with JCWI we are driving forwards a strategy that will try to make the Minimum Income Requirement of £18,600 a thing of the past.

Click on the picture link below and Sign the petition. image