Add your voice and say no to migrants paying for inequality !
Reunite Families UK is joining Migrant Voice’s Day of Action on the 31st of October against the latest (extortionate) visa fee increases.
Here is a full list of the activities happening all around the country:
Day of Action Game of Life – 31 October, 12-2pm, taking place in the courtyard in front of the British Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB. Join our life-sized game showing the intricacies of the visa and settlement system!
Day of Action rally – 31 October, 6-8pm, in front of the Home Office, 2 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DF.
Join us and a number of speakers to show solidarity and stand up against this unjust system. Halloween masks and costumes welcomed.
Day of Action rally – 31 October 3-5pm. meeting at Centenary Square. We’ll have costumes, banners, placards and speeches.
Banner making and planning session – 17 October, 6-9pm at the Woodlands Community, 66 Ashley Street, G3 6HW. We’ll be creating banners for our Day of Action and will use this opportunity to also exchange some more ideas with each other. Register here.
And if you’re based in or around Glasgow and want to join our visa fee-themed Halloween Ceilidh on 31 October, reserve a spot here.
Social media material to show your support for the day of action
Migrant Voice has created amazing visa-fees themed Monopoly chance cards! Let’s make sure as many people as possible learn about the issue.
You can also find some graphics you can use for social media in Migrant Voice’s resource pack.
Please don’t forget to use our hashtags#ActionOnVisas #PayingForInequality and tag us!
We’re @migrantvoiceuk and @ReuniteDivFamil on Twitter/X and @migrantvoice @reunitefamiliesuk on Instagram.