Reuniting families affected by UK spouse visa rules

Funding Partners

Justice Together is a unique collaboration launched in 2020 with a decade-long vision to ensure that people who use the UK immigration system can access justice fairly and equally. They are committed to using a different approach to making long-term impact. In line with their values, they bring together organisations across the UK to use their collective power to leverage change in the immigration system, and to influence how the sector operates and how immigration advice is funded.  Justice Together is rooted in the belief that a better coordinated and more strategic approach that is driven by lived experience will help address systemic challenges. They are committed to learning to be a better anti-racist partner and to supporting an equitable involvement and leadership of people with lived experience of the immigration system.

Paul Hamlyn Foundation was established by Paul Hamlyn in 1987. He died in 2001 and left most of his estate to the Foundation, creating one of the largest independent grant-making foundations in the UK.

They use their resources to support social change, working towards a just and equitable society in which everyone, especially young people, can realise their full potential and enjoy fulfilling and creative lives.

The School for Social Entrepreneurs equips people to transform their communities and improve the lives of others. Through their mentoring programmes they have helped thousands of people develop the skills, strengths and networks they need to tackle society’s biggest problems. In turn, they help millions of people in need.


Founded in 1984 by leading practitioners in the field, ILPA exists to promote and improve advice and representation in immigration, asylum and nationality law, through an extensive programme of training and disseminating information and by providing research and opinion that draw on the experiences of members.  ILPA is represented on numerous Government, official and non-Governmental advisory groups and regularly provides evidence to parliamentary and official enquiries.


NCVO champion charities and volunteers. They represent over 17,000 voluntary organisations, charities, community groups and social enterprises across England. We support our members by developing practical resources designed to support the day-to-day running of their organisations, saving them time to focus on their beneficiaries.


Free Movement

Free Movement was set up by Colin Yeo, an immigration barrister in 2007. He is now helped by editor CJ McKinney and a team of expert contributors. Its mission is to make good quality and clear information available to all those affected by immigration control: migrants themselves, their families, their lawyers and their judges. Immigration law has become very complex in the UK and changes very rapidly; Free Movement make it simple, or at least understandable. They provide blog posts, a load of training courses, a forum and we have partnered with Seraphus Solicitors to provide fixed price legal advice to members of the public.

Fragomen Law

Fragomen are a firm of more than 4,300 immigration-focused professionals and staff spanning more than 55 offices worldwide. Immigration has been our sole focus for 70 years, and today they offer support in more than 170 countries. As immigration around the world becomes more and more complex, they rely on many of their professionals’ years of experience working in government agencies and in-house corporate immigration departments to advance world-class, compliant immigration solution.

Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants

JCWI works toward a vision of a better Britain in which immigration law and policy are based on sound evidence, promote the rule of law and are underpinned by respect for human rights and human dignity. In which no individual or family is made vulnerable or destitute or faces the denial of fundamental human rights as a result of immigration law or its application by challenging unjust laws and practices that restrict rights and lead to discrimination; influencing the debate on migration and fighting against the politics of hate and fear; supporting vulnerable individuals & families with reliable, high-quality legal advice; improving the quality of advice elsewhere through training and capacity building; building and supporting progressive movements at the grassroots and at the national level.

BCohCo is an organisation dedicated to driving ethical and sustainable cultural change. They create brave and safe learning spaces to help business, public sector and charitable organisations achieve their Diversity, Inclusion, Cohesion and Equity (DICE) vision.

Migrant Voice

Migrant Voice is a migrant-led national organisation building a community of migrant voices to speak for themselves and call for justice for all. They put migrant voices at the centre of the migration debate by developing the skills and confidence of migrants, including asylum seekers and refugees across the UK.

Brigstow Institute/University of Bristol

Working with the Brigstow Institute at University of Bristol; Rissa Mohabir from Trauma Awareness; and graphic designer Michael Grieve, RFUK co-published a book called Kept Apart‘ exploring and highlighting the real impact of the Minimum Income Requirement on those navigating the spouse visa system.

Refugees at Home

Through our Ukraine support work we refer families to Refugees at Home. Refugees at Home was born in response to the many refugees and asylum seekers who have come to the UK in search of safety and a better life who have found themselves facing homelessness and destitution. They match generous hosts with a spare room with asylum seekers and refugees in need of emergency and temporary accommodation.

Who We Support


the3million is the largest grassroots organisation for EU citizens in the UK, formed after the 2016 EU referendum to protect the rights of people who have made the UK their home.
Their work ranges from monitoring the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement, removing barriers to citizenship, informing people of their rights, and giving EU citizens a voice in British society to change the narrative on migration.

British in Europe

British in Europe is a coalition of grassroots citizens’ organisations and the largest grouping of UK citizens in the EU. It was founded in early 2017 to give UK citizens living, working and studying across the EU a voice in the Brexit negotiations. Sadly after 5 years of relentless and incredible lobbying they have had to close their virtual operations after being unable to secure the necessary core funding to continue their work, notwithstanding the generosity of many individual donors living in the EU.

Rainbow Migration

Rainbow Migration supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex (LGBTQI+) people through the asylum and immigration system. They have three goals: an asylum and immigration system that treats LGBTQI+ people fairly and with dignity; LGBTQI+ people who need protection are granted leave to remain; and optimum wellbeing and no isolation among LGBTQI+ people who are seeking asylum or have refugee status.

Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit

Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit is a voluntary organisation supporting people subject to immigration control for over 25 years. They offer free legal advice, representation and support services to people seeking asylum, refugees, children and vulnerable adults.

Southeast and East Asian Centre

Southeast and East Asian Centre (SEEAC) strives to make change in our society so that members of Southeast and East Asian communities in the UK can live without social exclusion and isolation, to be free from discrimination, exploitation and poverty, and to be able to make positive contributions to the wider British society. Southeast and East Asian communities consist of people with backgrounds from countries and regions including but not limited to Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, East-Timor, Brunei, the Philippines, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North and South Koreas, and Japan. These are vast and diverse communities with different experiences, yet also face similar issues and shared experiences as marginalised “Asian Other” ethnic group. With the experience and expertise of some established community leaders and organisations, we aim to provide essential support to members of the wider range of communities reaching out to some of the most under-represented groups.

Reunite Families UK is expanding its network across migration and non-migration organisations to  provide our members with relevant referrals and advice/support.

If you are an organisation that deals with migration matters or work within mental health [adult and children], financial support, social welfare, education, personal and professional development or any other sector that is interested in immigration and its impact on individuals and families and would be interested in working with us please contact the team at