Reuniting families affected by UK spouse visa rules

Storage area for our research and reports.


Reunite Families UK Mental Health Research

2022 :

Reunite Families UK response to House of Lords call for evidence on family migration (September 2022).

Two pager summary of the Immigration Rules as they impact spouses and families (July 2022).

Divided Families FAQ (Facebook) – June 2022 edition!

Flowchart showing main steps and pitfalls in a spouse visa application – June 2022 edition.

Reunite Families UK’s response to Children’s Commissioner call for evidence for family review to look at disparities of outcomes.

2021 :

Reunite Families UK’s Response to the Independent Human Rights Act Review Call for Evidence. Response to proposals to replace the Human Rights Act.

Living online and Covid impact. Submission to the House of Lords Covid 19 Committee and to the Health and Social Care Committee and Science and Technology Committee.

Home Office preparedness for Covid. Response linking family division re Covid with the experience of divided families.

Choosing a solicitor. A short ‘how to’ set of tips on finding quality legal advice, written based on the experience of affected families and with the help of trusted legal professionals.

2020 :

Kept Apart: Couples and families separated by the UK immigration system. Booklet produced with the Brigstow Institute alongside some of our members.

Families reunited – spousal applications and Appendix FM, Covid 19 issues to consider. Submission to the Home Affairs Select Committee.

Pre-2020 :

Post-Brexit migration policy evidence: What are the implications of the net migration target?

Restrictive family unity rules for non-EEA migrants, resulting in long-term separation.