Reuniting families affected by UK spouse visa rules

The ‘divided families campaign’ FAQ file

The Divided Families Campaign (ILMFS/RFUK) FAQ is now available for those in need (or who are interested in the history of the plight of those involved in the campaign : here!

It’s now in its 5th year and can be shared freely as long as you attribute the author (conditions as per the first page). It’s also in the Files section of our Facebook group and linked from our research page.

This originally began as a FAQ for the I Love My Foreign Spouse Facebook group and has largely been inspired by that group as well as the members and supporters of Reunite Families UK.

Many of these people were instrumental to the creation and development of the file as the Files sections of these groups have grown to include all kinds of helpful tips on navigating the process, and people collectively come together in a spirit of mutual support.

There is also a flowchart which shows (simplified) the main requirements (and pitfalls) for a spousal visa application: here!

Enjoy! (Here’s a video in the spirit of the occasion) :