Reuniting families affected by UK spouse visa rules

Valentine's Day of Action Against MIR Increase

On the 14th of February, a coalition of migrants’ rights organisations including Reunite Families UK, Praxis, Migrant Voice, IMIX, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants and British in Europe will organise a Day of Action against the Minimum Income Requirement increase which is due to rise to £29,000 on April 11 before rising to £38,000 in Spring 2025, a sum only 40% of the UK workforce earns.

In a day normally reserved to celebrate love, the organisations will highlight the plight of those who are unable to do so as a result of the draconian rules which denies British citizens and settled residents the possibility of being together here in the UK.

As a recent research published by Reunite Families UK highlighted how as a result of the rules single parent families are created and women and people from ethnic minority background are particularly impacted by the rules.

The research also highlighted how children’s mental health is worsen by the rules with 92% of those surveyed said that their children’s mental health suffered as a result of the separation and 65% of respondents to the survey conducted as part of the research say that their child received a formal diagnosis of a mental health condition.

As part of the day of action, representatives of the organisations including many with lived experience of the spouse visa rules will hand in to Downing Street on the 14th of February at 4 PM the various petitions against the increase which so far have been signed by more than 250 thousand people.

Alongside this, during the day and in collaboration with IMIX, there will be the release of the #LoveInLimbo videos on the organisations’ social media channels. The videos were made by families and couples affected by the spouse visa rules, many of whom have seen their dream of a family life together being shattered by the rules change announced on the 4th of December by the Home Secretary.



The day will also see the launch of the Pledge for Families, in which the organisations, affected families and their supporters ask MPs and elected representatives to pledge to support family-friendly migration policies that alleviate the mental health impacts and the unaffordable financial burden of its immigration system.

Sign the Parliament Petition and help us reach the 100k signatures





Sign the Parliament Petition so that we can reach the 100k signatures and have a proper debate in Parliament which scrutinise the impact of the rules, something sadly missing so far in the changes to the MIR.

Write to your MP



Our friends at Praxis have prepared a very useful tool to write to your MP. 

Click on the image here on the left to be taken to the writing tool.

Share information about the MIR amongst your networks

Would you like to let friends and family know about the MIR and the negative impacts of the spouse visa policy? If so, by clicking on the button you will automatically be able to send a WhatsApp message to your contacts or if you prefer download the message and write your own message. Thanks for helping us letting more people know about the MIR.